Many of my client engagements include Leadership Coaching as a key component. Leadership Coaching is simply an opportunity for leaders to dedicate time and space to intentionally grow and develop their leadership skills. There is no such thing as a “typical” session, but during Leadership Coaching leaders can expect to:

By asking non-judgmental questions and focusing on the leader’s strengths, I help my clients identify patterns in their work that inhibit their success, and help guide them towards strategies to disrupt those patterns; I also assist my clients to identify patterns in their work that promote their success, and help guide them towards developing success frameworks to leverage those strengths in other situations.

I have been a Leadership Coach for principals, other school administrators, and non-profit leaders since 2011.  My work is grounded in Linda Belans’ “States of Being” research, and borrows from other effective techniques learned over the years.  And thanks to Zoom these sessions can be held anywhere we have internet.

Coaching Objectives

Together we will: